“My far love”

Naveen Iy
2 min readApr 26, 2024

In the hush of winter’s night so deep,
Beneath the dazzling moon’s soft sweep,
I stand by the ocean in the rain’s embrace,
Awaiting you in this enchanted place.

The moonlight shimmers on the restless sea,
A silver pathway stretching endlessly,
Each raindrop whispers secrets to the shore,
As waves crash with a melancholy roar.

Amidst the cold, rose flowers bloom,
Their delicate petals defying winter’s gloom,
A crimson blush against the icy air,
A symbol of love enduring and rare.

Above, the sparrows take to flight,
Their songs are a symphony of pure delight,
Carried on the wind, across the midnight sky,
Echoes of hope as time drifts by.

By far love, though distant you may be,
In this wintry scene, my heart waits faithfully,
Bound by the magic of moonlight and rain,
Dreaming of the day we’ll embrace again.

In summary:

The poem evokes a scene of longing and anticipation in a wintry landscape by the ocean. It describes the moonlight casting a shimmering glow over the sea, accompanied by gentle rain. Amidst this setting, rose flowers bloom defiantly, symbolizing enduring love despite the harshness of winter. Sparrows add to the atmosphere with their cheerful songs, echoing the speaker’s hope and patience. The poem conveys a sense of yearning for a distant beloved, whose presence is awaited with steadfast devotion amidst the beauty of nature’s elements.



Naveen Iy

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