Success and Happiness

Naveen Iy
2 min readApr 19, 2022

The one common denominator to all success and happiness is other people.

Various scientific studies have proven that if you learn how to deal with other people, or professions and about 99% of the way to personal happiness.

What counts is a way to deal with people that will bring us personal satisfaction and at the same time, not trample on others’ egos. Human relations is the science of dealing with people in such a way that our egos and their egos remain intact. And this is the only method of getting along with people that ever result in any real success or satisfaction.

The reason 90% of people fail in life is a failure to deal successfully with people.

Are the most successful people those with the most brain the most skill? Are the people who are the happiest and get the most fun out of life so much smarter than the other people you know? If you will stop and think for a moment, the chances are that you will say that the people you know are the most successful and enjoy life the most.

The one successful way to get the things you want from life is to acquire skills in dealing with people.



Naveen Iy

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